
    Mr. Nigussu Tilahun’s house was searched By Government Police

    He was the spokesperson of the Prime Minister. They met every day at the Four Kilo Palace. It is said that they used to joke that two kings would not sit...



    የየመኑ ሁቲ የጋዛውን ጦርነት መቀላቀሉን አስታወቀ

    የየመኑ ሁቲ የጋዛውን ጦርነት መቀላቀሉን አስታወቀ፡፡ የመንን እየገዛ ያለው ሁቲ እስራኤል ላይ የድሮንና የሚሳኤል ጥቃት በመፈፀም አጋርነቱን ለፍልስጤማውያን እያሳየ ነው።ቡድኑ እስራኤልን ለመዋጋት ዝግጁ መሆኑንም በግልጽ አስታውቋል።የጦሩ መሪ እንዳስታወቁት ፣እስራኤል...

    veronica Adane unable to perform

    Veronica Adane announced that she was unable to perform due to illness. It is known that Veronica Adane has recently entered America to perform her shows in different cities of...


    Ethio Telecom announced four services

    Ethio Telecom announced four services Ethio Telecom has introduced services to its customers today that allow for better voice and video quality phone calls. The announced...

    ቤተክርስቲያን የማፍረስ ዘመቻ በድሬደዋ

    ባለፈው ሳምንት በድሬደዋ መካነ እየሱስ ቤተክርስቲያን እና በከተማ ከንቲባ ጽ/ቤቱ መካከል ተፈጥሮ የነበረው ችግር በውይይት መፈታቱን ቤተክርስቲያኗ ለኢትዮ ኤፍ ኤም ተናግራለች፡፡ቤተክርስቲያኗ ትፍረስ በሚል ላወጣው...

    The Red Sea is Ethiopia’s only breath – Prime Minister Abiy

    According to the prime minister in his explanation regarding the port, we want the entire people of Ethiopia, countries in the Horn of...

    የየመኑ ሁቲ የጋዛውን ጦርነት መቀላቀሉን አስታወቀ

    የየመኑ ሁቲ የጋዛውን ጦርነት መቀላቀሉን አስታወቀ፡፡ የመንን እየገዛ ያለው ሁቲ እስራኤል ላይ የድሮንና የሚሳኤል ጥቃት በመፈፀም አጋርነቱን ለፍልስጤማውያን እያሳየ ነው።ቡድኑ እስራኤልን ለመዋጋት ዝግጁ መሆኑንም...

    Ethio Telecom announced four services

    Ethio Telecom announced four services Ethio Telecom has introduced services to its customers today that allow for better voice and video quality phone calls. The announced...

    veronica Adane unable to perform

    Veronica Adane announced that she was unable to perform due to illness. It is known that Veronica Adane has recently entered America to perform her...

    Mr. Nigussu Tilahun’s house was searched By Government Police

    He was the spokesperson of the Prime Minister. They met every day at the Four Kilo Palace. It is said that they used to...

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